Why You Should Choose A Local Safari Operator
As the COVID-19 pandemic subsides and international visitors begin to return to East Africa in earnest, you may find yourself planning your own trip to Tanzania. Maybe you want to visit the rolling plains of the Serengeti in search of lions, leopards, and cheetahs.
Or maybe you’ve always had your heart set on plunging to the valley floor of the world-famous Ngorongoro Crater to try your luck at spotting the elusive black rhinoceros. Maybe you even want to mount an expedition to the summit of MountKilimanjaro! But if there’s one thing that’s certain, it’s that the prospective traveler is spoiled for choice. A simple web search will reveal that there are dozens of international travel agencies specializing in African safaris and wilderness travel. In many cases, these agencies are affiliated with some of the most well-known travel companies in the world. But are they really the best place to turn for an authentic safari? Here are some reasons to consider choosing a local safari operator instead.
One important advantage offered by local safari agencies is the ability to offer a competitive price. Safari outfits like Chalema Tanzania Safaris enjoy long-established relationships with lodges and camps, as well as familiarity with the transportation infrastructure within Tanzania. Moreover, local agencies like ours don’t have to deal with the massive overhead costs of paying international staff across multiple continents. Instead, we can put your money to work where it matters most: creating an authentic safari itinerary that brings you face-to-face with the stunning landscapes, fascinating creatures, and friendly people of our East African country. You can also take pride in the knowledge that your travel fees will directly contribute to the Tanzanian economy and provide a living wage to the guides, camp attendants, and other staff who make your safari possible.

Local safari operators are also better positioned to respond to any disruptions in your travel plans. Most safaris go off without a hitch, but inclement weather, transportation delays, and unexpected park closures have the potential to affect your safari itinerary. Local safari operators like Chalema Tanzania Safaris can respond to these disruptions without a moment’s delay, rearranging your trip to make sure you don’t miss even a single game drive. This represents a level of flexibility that many big-name travel agencies simply can’t match. You’ll also discover that there are no layers of frustrating bureaucracy when booking with a local safari company—more often than not, you’ll be planning your adventure directly with the owner of a local operator.
But perhaps the best reason to choose a local safari operator is also the simplest: we’re the experts. When you travel halfway around the world to explore the furthest reaches of the East African bush, you won’t want to miss a thing. Local safari operators know every corner of Tanzania’s many national parks and wildlife reserves, from the popular Serengeti National Park to far-flung wildernesses of Ruaha National Park and the Selous Game Reserve. Local guides can find your most sought-after species and interpret their behavior for you, enriching your experience in the way that only local experts can. Ultimately, choosing a local safari operator like Chalema Tanzania Safaris will ensure that you reap the benefits of reasonable costs, uninterrupted travel, and unmatched on-the-ground expertise. When you’re ready to book the East African adventure of a lifetime, go with the experts—choose a local safari operator.